Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4685 results found
Podrían agregar la escala MEESSI-AHF
3 votes -
ABG and VBG with detailed analysis
With the current ABG Analyzer, the formula give an end result conclusion of the acid base analysis, metabolic and respiratory, and the anion gap.
It would be very helpful to give step by step approach following this conclusion. As per the Americal Thoracic Society link here details will provide great picture on the compensation expected, and the type of the anion gap. It would be even greater if you add these tables with the differential of each of the results.
Respiratory Acidosis (acute
Concomitant metabolic acidosis
Normal anion is elevated by 3The Expected metabolic compensation is…
3 votes -
Escala Meessi AHF
Por favor agregar escala cardiológica de insuficiencia cardíaca aguda
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3 votes
Score de Sheldon
Evaluacion de que los síntomas se deban a síncope vs convulsion.
3 votes -
Escore Carg
Permite discriminar pacientes com maior e menor toxicidade a quimioterapia ajuda do a definir quais pacientes teriam mais benefício ou maior risco com tratamento oncológico. Neste sentido contribui para definição de estratégia terapêutica.
3 votes -
Pa pulsatility index
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Se for possível coloquem a escala de risco de lesão de pele de BRADEN e BRADEN Q.
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Rumack Matthew normogram
For acetaminofen intoxication
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ALBI Score
Prognosis in liver cirrhosis
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Opioid Equivalency Chart
Also known as an equianalgesic chart, provides a cross-reference between analgesics to provide the equivalent dose to achieve the same analgesic effect
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PSADT, PSA ratio
Utiles en Urologia
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Clasificación de anthonisen
Escala utilizada para determinar el uso de antibióticos en exacerbación aguda de EPOC
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Gail Formula
Frequently used model to evaluate the risk of breast cancer in average risk women aged 35-85
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lower GI bleeding risk score
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3 votes
Should add plasmic score for TTP
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Breast cancer risk assessment tool
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Burch Wartofski
Valoración de la tormenta tiroidea.
Importante a tener en sus escalas y formularios
3 votes -
Score HERDOO2 :
- Symptômes du syndrome post-thrombotique
Hyperpigmentation, Oedème ou Rougeur dans l'une des jambes
- D-dimères ≥250 μg/L
- Obésité (IMC ≥30 kg/m2)
- Age avancé (≥65 ans) (Old)
Interprétation :
- 0 ou 1 point : risque faible de développer des thromboses veineuses récurrentes → envisager
l'arrêt du traitement anticoagulant
- ≥ 2 points : risque élevé de développer des thromboses veineuses récurrentes → continuer le
traitement anticoagulant3 votes
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