Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4701 results found
1 vote
minute volume correction according to PaCO2
There is a interesting formula for minute volume correction according to PaCO2:
Desired MV = (actual MV x actual PaCO2)/calculated PaCO2
MV can be splited - MV = Tidal volume x respiratory rate; this helps to simplify calculations when you have only RR.
calculated PaCO2 is derived from the Winters formula.
It works for controled ventilation and some types of SIMV.
2 votes -
Metro Ticket Calculator
(SASL = Swiss Liverpool Association)
1 vote -
Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS)
Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS): Estimates viability of an extremity after trauma, to determine need for salvage vs empiric amputation.
70 votes -
Toronto Sore Throat Rule
Also see McIsaac and Centor
1 vote -
MAC values for Isoflurane, Sevoflurane and desflurane
Input variables would be Agent (gas), expired gas concentration and age.
Calculated output would be age corrected MAC values for agent in 100% oxygen, 50% N2O and 67% N2O.
option to input age, agent and % expired N2O and generate a table of expired gas concentration in % to give age corrected MACs of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.027 votes -
Lung Compliance & Resistance
Various lung compliance formulas such as:
dFiO2 = ([80 / a/A ratio + PCO2 / 0.8] / 713) * 100
CTV = exhaled TV - 3*(PAP - PEEP)
Static compliance = CTV / (PAP - PEEP)
Dynamic compliance = CTV / (plateau pressure - PEEP)
31 votes -
Local Anesthetics Table
(onset, duration, max dose) both in subcutaneous administration and neuraxial anesthesia
116 votes -
LEMON score (airway assessment)
Reference ATLS Manual 8th Edition. or the EMJ (emergency medical journal) 2005 22: 99-102
5 votes -
Acidosis Score
1 vote -
Kings College Criteria
Used in acetaminophen poisoning to determine the need for a liver transplant. Parameters are pH < 7.3, PT > 100s (INR > 65), Cr > 3.4.
Would be nice to see it on here.58 votes -
1 vote
107 votes
9 votes
1 vote
1 vote
Heparin Therapy
Raschke RA, Reilly BM, Guidry JR, Fontana JR, Srinivas S. The weight-based heparin dosing nomogram compared with a “standard care” nomogram. A randomized controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 1993;119:874-81. [PMID: 8214998]2 votes -
Acidosis Score
1 vote -
7 votes
6 votes
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