Formula Suggestions
Let us know which new formula you would like to see included in MedCalc or how we can enhance existing formulas.
4715 results found
Gupta Perioperative Cardiac Risk Calculator
Published in Circulation. 2011 Jul 26;124(4):381-7. Epub 2011 Jul 5.
Is superior to Lee (Revised) Score
Present as excel file on:
282 votes -
Android Version
Come on, you guys, you used to have this for the Palm OS!
234 votes -
Formula for assessing the likelihood if having a thyreotoxic crisis
192 votes -
Drug dosage formula need to come back!
As of version 3.0.5, the following formulas were removed:
Corticosteroids Converter
NAC Dosing
Opioid Converter
Pediatric Resuscitation Doses
Dose Calculator (was planned for future versions)Apparently they were forced by Apple to remove them to comply with the App Store policy...
However, Epocrates and many other medical apps have drug dosage calculators. Why then should a great app like MedCalc not be allowed to have drug dose calculators?
I don't know the details of why the formulas had to be removed, but vote if you want the formulas back!See here: votes -
STS (cardiovascular surgery risk)
STS = Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Companion Score of the Euroscore. Predicted Risk of Mortality (PROM).
170 votesI’m afraid that we’re unable to implement STS for now. It is copyrighted and would require us to become “certified STS vendors” which is an absolutely ridiculous process:
Syntax Score
Coronary surgery or PTCA:
169 votes -
Postoperative pulmonary complication risk score (used in anesthesia).
135 votes -
NUTRIC score
nutrition risk for icu, heyland dk, critical care 2011, 15, R268 votes -
Stewart model for acid-base disorders
Formulas to calculate SID and Atot can be found here :
A review of the interest of this model can be found here : votes -
Local Anesthetics Table
(onset, duration, max dose) both in subcutaneous administration and neuraxial anesthesia
116 votes -
ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator
Pre-op info to pts to to call post op complication risk. Just released aug 2013
116 votesThe ACS NSQIP is copyrighted and it’s not permitted to embed it into any product.
Pediatric Growth Charts
We get a lot of requests for growth charts, but adding a complete charts solution is outside of the scope of MedCalc. A standalone growth charts app done by me at Boston Children's Hospital is now available for free:, we are considering adding percentile/Z-score calculators.
111 votes -
Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Scale (COWS)
Withdrawal scale specific to opioids. Useful for those that need to assess clients for placement on or removal from detox protocol.
109 votes -
ED chest pain score
Emergency Medicine Australasia (2014) 26, 34-44
107 votes -
107 votes
Truelove and Witts
Add this classification to ulcerative colitis severity
105 votes -
EGSYS (Cardiac Syncope)
Score for Cardiac Syncope. Score >4 has a sensitivity of 32% and a specificity of 99%. This confers a PPV and NPV of 88%
102 votes -
Reynolds Risk Score
Cardiovascular risk score.
PM Ridker et al. JAMA, 297 (2007)p.611-619
98 votes -
PHQ 9 depression score
93 votes -
Q-Risk 2
For CVD risk stratification, like Framingham.
(qrisk, qrisk2)92 votes
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